Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sketchbook Club @ Bascom Lodge

Every Tuesday in June, 5:00 - 6:30PM

Meeting at Bascom Lodge students and experienced sketchers alike are invited to enjoy the highland evening beauty found at the summit of Mount Greylock.

Artist -Educator, Karen Arp-Sandel offers discussion about keeping a sketchbook for recording visual observations from drawing in nature to landscape subjects. At the end of 4 weeks all participants are invited to share their sketch books with the group & community and join for dinner at the Lodge (June 28).

Materials are simple: a small scale sketch book, your favorite drawing implement- pen, pencil or even colored pencils. Karen will demo various portable materials for easy on site sketching.

Sketch Club will meet on Tuesdays: June 7,14, 21 and 28 during the approach of Summer Solstice light. Rain or Shine. In the event of inclement weather, we will sketch natural objects or guide book subjects inside Bascom Lodge.

Cost (per daily session): $10.

To register
Or phone: 518-781-3413