The Final Wednesday Night Event of the 2010 Season at Bascom Lodge!
October 27: "Using Theatre to Benefit Women and Girls"
WAM co-founders, Leigh Strimbeck and Kristen van Ginhoven, will talk about how they use theatre to benefit women and girls. They will discuss why reading 'Half the Sky" by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn inspired them to found WAM Theatre. Some selections from their November production of Tony nominated playwright Sarah Ruhl's contemporary farce, 'Melancholy Play' (which will benefit the Women's Fund of Western Massachusetts) will be read by the cast.
Free and Open to the Public!
Event starts at 6.
Prix fixe dinner to follow at 7.
Reservations required for dinner (413-743-1591).

WAM Theatre is based in the Berkshires of Massachusetts and the Capital Region of New York State.
WAM Theatre’s philanthropic mission is two-fold. First, to produce professional theatrical events for everyone, with a focus on women theatre artists and/or stories of women and girls. Second, to donate a portion of the proceeds from those events to organizations that benefit women and girls worldwide.